176 Illegal Agents Arrested in Foreign Employment Fraud Crackdown

Published 2023 May 19 Friday

Kathmandu: The Department of Foreign Employment (DoFE) has reported that nearly Rs 760 million has been duped by foreign employment fraudsters in the first 10 months of the current fiscal year.

The DoFE said that 925 cases of fraud have been registered with the department, with victims claiming a total of Rs 757.7 million in damages. The fraudsters, who are mostly unregistered agents and intermediaries, have reportedly lured unsuspecting job seekers with promises of high-paying jobs abroad.

The DoFE has taken action against some of the fraudsters, filing 77 cases in court and arresting 176 individuals. However, many of the fraudsters are still at large, and the DoFE is urging job seekers to be wary of fraudulent offers.

The DoFE has also issued a list of registered foreign employment agencies on its website. Job seekers are advised to only deal with registered agencies to avoid being scammed.

Here are some tips to avoid being a victim of foreign employment fraud:

-Only deal with registered foreign employment agencies.
-Do not pay any money upfront to an agency.
-Get everything in writing, including the job offer, the terms of employment, and the cost of the services.
-Be suspicious of any agency that promises a high-paying job with little or no experience required.
-If you suspect that you have been scammed, contact the DoFE immediately.
The DoFE is working to crack down on foreign employment fraud, but it is important for job seekers to be aware of the risks and take steps to protect themselves.
